04-27-2012 10:55 AM
Hi BGao,
Were you able to try the workaround mentioned above? The newest DAQmx version should allow you to limit the outstanding USB Transfer Request count for your device.
04-29-2012 02:31 AM
hello i am using windows 7 along with daqmn 9.5.1 and labview 2011 i am using 6009 daq,
i have tried to solve the issue by adding the property node to the acquire the signal.
i have tried adding the the property node after generating code from daq assistant(configured as acquire continous samples of voltage signals ).
but still its not working and showing the same error i have attached the snipseet nad vi also please help,
Am i connecting the property node correctly?
if not where is to add the property node in the vi??
please help
04-29-2012 08:28 PM
Hi Zach P.
Thanks for your quick reply.
I tried several things:
First, reinstall the device's USB driver in win7.
Second, add the DAQ channel property: AI.UsbXferReqCount to 1 as per instruction of http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/611475F9BE62881E86256FDC0062B1BB?OpenDocument
Third, change the DAQ assistant setting to normal DAQmx code
Finally, it works well for several hours. I really do not which is the key reseaon to kill the issue. Anyway, it works.
04-29-2012 08:44 PM
That awesome man congratz bgao,
can you upload a sinpset of a vi of acquire signal with the the work around fix actually i am unable to figure out where to add the property node in the code generated along with where to connect it.
04-29-2012 09:07 PM
p.s i have also tried the work around but the daqmx channel property node does not have an input for sb request count property it only shows error out for the property.
i have attached the snipset dipcting only error out for input channel usb request count
04-29-2012 09:10 PM - edited 04-29-2012 09:15 PM
Hi Donald1990,
Below is a screencopy of my code.
A much more detailed instruction will be available at http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/611475F9BE62881E86256FDC0062B1BB?OpenDocument
I hope this would be helpful.
04-29-2012 10:59 PM
hey thanks Bgao,
i will much appreciate and will be thank full if you upload a vi i am still having problem in defining the constant value 1 its not showing me that input
04-29-2012 11:08 PM
04-29-2012 11:37 PM
Thanks alot man,
but no salubrious results =(
still showing the same error -200361,
i dont know when will i ll get rid of it 😞
i am sick of finding solution to it....
04-30-2012 10:59 AM
Hi Donald,
From what you've posted so far it looks like you're reading from the property, you need to write to it and set the XferReqCount to 1 (you can right-click the property and select "Change All to Write") . You also need to do this before you start the task (in your first image the property was placed after DAQmx Start).
However, BGao's example does do this, so if you're running his example and still get the error then it sounds like your error might not have the same root cause. Can you post the code you are running and confirm that you are indeed receiving error -200361? This error indicates an on-board FIFO overflow--the most common cause for this that I have seen is the Windows 7 USB issue (which the workaround in this thread is intended to solve), but if for some other reason the computer is not keeping up with the USB transfers you might also see the same error message. Are you using an external hub or do you have any other USB devices attached to the same computer? Which revision of USB is the port on your computer (i.e. is it USB 3.0?).
Best Regards,