Multifunction DAQ

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Getting Error Message when trying to use Start Analog Edge

I am working on updating code for an in program oscilliscope.  Right now I have the option working where I can have no trigger and a digital trigger but I am trying to get the Analog trigger to work.  I have attached that code and the error message I am getting when I open the oscope vi with the analog (hardware) trigger selected.  I have tried switching my samples to continuous and it still does not work.  Any ideas on how to get this up and running?  Also on the oscope the indicator at the top of the page on the right shows what the source of the trigger on the DAQ Start Analog Edge is.  Any help is much appreciated

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What is your DAQ device and does it support analog triggering. Could be a hardware limitation.

Now Using LabVIEW 2019SP1 and TestStand 2019
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Message 2 of 5

The card I am using a PCIe-6343

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Message 3 of 5

Hi mlhgroup tech,


It looks like you might be using multiple strings for your source on the analog trigger source.  You can only use one source for an analog start trigger source per task.  It also has to be the first channel in your scan list if you have multiple channels in the task. 


For example, if you have Dev1/ai0:5, you would have 6 channels in your task.  You could only use the Dev1/ai0 as the analog start trigger.



Academic Product Manager
National Intruments
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Message 4 of 5

Unfortunately GovBob is correct, the PCIe-6343 does not have hardware support for analog triggering.


If you need an X-Series device with built-in analog triggering capabilities, the 635x and 636x devices support this feature. A page of X-Series devices, sortable by features such as triggering support, can be found here.


William Earle

National Instruments | Software Engineer | Data Acquisition Software





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