Multifunction DAQ

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How can I internally connect two analog inputs


I'm using PXI-6259.
A signal is connected to ai0 and a single VI is acquiring continuosly the analog input signal from ai0.
And I want to acquire the signal of ai0 in another VI.
But It is impossible, because two channel cannot be loaded simultaneously in two VIs.
Also, I cannot connect the signal to ai0 and ai1 externally at same time.

So, I think if I can connect the channels ai0 and ai1 internally, simultaneous acquiring is possible.
Is this possible ?
Or please comment another methods.


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Message 1 of 3

You can't have two analog iinput tasks running at the same time. It doesn't matter if they are different channels.

The simplest thing would be for you to combine the two separate VIs. Otherwise, you would simply have one VI for the acquisition and make the data available to the other. There are several ways to do that. You can use queues, shared variables, datasocket, etc.

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Message 2 of 3

Hello Suong,


Dennis is correct; you may only have one analog input task running on your board, even if you're acquiring two different channels.  You'll need to configure the acquisition in a single VI and pass the data to your other VIs in software.  The solutions Dennis has provided are all viable.  I just wanted to add that you could also use sub VIs to pass the data to different VIs.


For information on how to create a subVI I'd recommend the LabVIEW help file:  Creating VIs and SubVIs, particularly the section on Creating SubVIs.



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Message 3 of 3