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How to disable open thermocouple detection with matlab

Hi everyone,


I'm using tb-9214 and cDAQ-9171 to measure thermocouples.

I write an user interface to measure to temperatures the TC with NI devices (that i wrote) in matlab I use the  API of matlab for DAQ 

I'm adding a link:


My problem is :

I got a inacurrate measuerment becuase I dont know how to disable the  open thermocouple detection, I cant find a function on the API for DAQ ,I know there is a function that do it, but this is on C and I need to use  dll files,and i want to keep my scripts with the matlab API to DAQ , the function is DAQmxSetAIOpenThrmcplDetectEnable


I will be thankful if someone can help me to solve this problem, I hope to find a function like this in matlab.






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Hi Joe,


You're correct that that property needs to be modified to disable the Open Thermocouple Detection.  Unfortunately, unless The Mathworks, Inc DAQ Toolbox provides this functionality, the only option is to use the C function.  I would contact them and see if there's an unexposed setting for this.



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Che T.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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