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How to synchronize devices without cable ?


i want to synchronize multi-devices:  3 x USB-6051 and 2 x PCI-MIO-16.
instead of having 80 ch. analog in-card, we have to synchronize thouse devices.

I have attached the vi as jpg. So i would be thankfull if you could take a look!

The interesting thing is if i can synchronize the Starttrigger and the clock of each device through a port, or a special cable?
Because of device differences there can't be a buscable for timeclocksharing, am I right?
Do you think a digital starttrigger for each device may synchronize the acquired data at least for a certain time??? without shared clock?
What about buying an external harware clock or device for sync from NI ?


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Message 1 of 5
sorry, device: USB-6251 (Mass T.)  I meant!

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Message 2 of 5
??? could somebody help me? 😞
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Message 3 of 5

Hi Danny,

How fast do you need to sample and how many samples do you need.

Is it not possible to add a time-stamp to each sample in LV so you can 'synchronize' to samples afterwards ?

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Message 4 of 5
Hi KC,

Every channels has it's start-timestamp and loop-timestamp. But to do array operation after acquering would take alot of CPU usage ??

I tried triggering over hardware PFI lines and it does work, but i fear that the masses could cause problems, when there are not equal. what do you think ??

Do you think the software is fast enough for starting the devices "at the same time" when it samples at 1kHz for each channel on 5 devices ?

please answer here!! thank you very much!



Message Edited by dannyz on 03-25-2008 03:23 PM
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Message 5 of 5