09-05-2011 02:41 PM
I am attempting to display data from two pressure sensors for a wind tunnel.
I have a NI 9219 data acquisition system. I had the system working before upgrading to labview 2009. but i don't know how it was originally set up.
How do I get labview to communicate with the DAQ system?
it has something to do with the Daq MX software, but have never used it before.
09-06-2011 06:14 PM
You will need to install the DAQmx drivers from ni.com/drivers.
The newest version for windows machines is http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2337/lang/en
09-07-2011 02:52 PM
I reinstalled the DAQmx drivers and it seemsd to be working. however I am having another problem,
I am attempting to get data from two pressure sensors and a thermocouple.
When i attempt to aquire data, I can plot the data and it looks ok, but I cannot read out the data, or manipulate it. I need to seperate the values and do some math and then store the result. how do I do this?
thanks a bunch!
09-08-2011 02:24 PM
Take a look at some of the DAQmx examples in LabVIEW. There are some great resources that should give you a jump start on the appropriate way to manipulate data for a DAQmx task.
You can find these examples by going to LabVIEW Help » Find Examples » Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Measurements.