Multifunction DAQ

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I need to do simultaneous readings from 3 pressure sensors.. Can i use 6008 usb?

I'm working on an experiment where I need to read to outputs of 3 pressure sensors simultaneously on LabVIEW, I'm new to this kind of experiments and have no such experience before.. Is USB 6008 suitable for such a purpose? 

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Message 1 of 6
you have to know what is your rate to read signal and also what is your precision
but I dont think there is any serious problem to use 6009 for this one
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Message 2 of 6

I have read on the web that it is not possible to do simultaneous readings on 6008 USB due to one A/D.. will I be able to read data from the 3 sensors at the same time? 

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Message 3 of 6

if your means form simultaneous is use Trigger 6008
have it

with 8 Al . could you send the site that you read it ? ! i dont know may be some important infomration is there! but I could read  3 pressure sensor by daqs without andproblem 

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Message 4 of 6

It depends on exactly what you mean by "simultaneous." If the samples must all be taken within a few nanoseconds of each other, then you need a device with one A/D converter per channel and all driven from the same timing signals.  If having the samples taken a few hundred microseconds apart - but always a constant interval - is good enough, then muliplexed devices like the USB-6008 may be fine.


The maximum sampling rate per channel with that device will be 3333 Hz or less for three channels.  The A/D converter can run at 10 kS/s so samples are acquired 100 us apart. If you choose a slower sample rate, the samples will be farther apart.


So you need to decide. Is getting the samples 100 us apart on the three channels close enough for what you are doing?





Message 5 of 6

In addition to what everyone else was mentioning, if you are using a pressure transducer, you may need an excitation voltage. The USB 6008 does not have any channels which produce excitation voltage. The USB 9237 does have channels for excitation voltage. 

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Message 6 of 6