03-14-2019 04:13 AM
I've written a while ago an application that uses a NI9474 and a couple other modules on a cDAQ 9174 for some simple data acquisition and driving an on/off switch.
The application has worked perfectly for an year or so, until a few months ago it started to crash every now and then. Same hardware, same software, same PC, nothing changed at all, but all of sudden we got occasional crashes.
Then they disappeared for a month, and since a week ago they reappeared and started increasing in frequency, and now they happen at least once a day. My customer already tried both on a different PC, and then with a fresh install, and nope, still crashing.
Nothing has changed in the driving of the 9474, too, as there is a single boolean I/O used so there's no chance it could be something in the output from the program.
The exception trace I get, taken by the Windows registry, is always the following:
NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqException in <Module>.nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >.CheckWithName(nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >*, nNIDMXS100.tCaseInsensitiveBasicString<wchar_t,_STL::char_traits<wchar_t>,_STL::allocator<wchar_t>,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringComparitor,nNIDMXS100::tLocaleConsideringWideStringCaseForcer>*)
in <Module>.nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >.Check(nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >*)
in <Module>.nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverWrapperT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >.Check(nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverWrapperT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >*)
in <Module>.nNIMSSAIL100.Write<class nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<class nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi>,class nNIMSSAIL100::DigitalLineWrite,unsigned char>(nNIMSAI100.tTask*, Byte*, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64, Double, Boolean, Boolean, tScaledDataFormat, nNIMSSAIL100.StatusObserverT<nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi> >*)
in <Module>.nNINETAI2005100.Write1D<class nNIMSSAIL100::ApiTraits<class nNIMSSAIL100::DotNetApi>,class nNIMSSAIL100::DigitalLineWrite,unsigned char,bool,cli::array< ?? ::_N >^>(NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task, Boolean[], UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Double, Boolean, Boolean)
in NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Internal.DigitalSingleChannelWriterImpl.WriteSingleSampleMultiLine(Boolean, Boolean[])
Any idea?
03-18-2019 05:44 AM
in addition to the exception trace taken by the Windows registry, could you please provide some application-centered details about the crash, such as a screenshot, or the error log files?
Attaching the code, or the MAX report, could also be useful.
Kind regards,
04-02-2019 02:01 AM
This turned out as a false problem. How do I delete the thread?
04-02-2019 03:07 AM
this thread explains how to do that: in brief, you can use Options --> Report to a Moderator.
But in this case I don't think it's necessary. 🙂