Multifunction DAQ

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LAbview program lags HELP

Hi i am currently using two NI 6070e PCI daq cards (16 analog inputs on one) which are syncronised in the software. In the producer loop I  aquire  data from 32 channels and do my processing on the data in the consumer loop. Each signal is displayed on a waveform graph. I sample at 32 kHz at my problem is that my software runs fine but it lags in the time it take sto update the graphs. The longer I run the software the greater the lag becomes. For instance the data showed on the waveform plot is displayed two to 5 minutes after the event accured. Even if I use a lower sampling rate (3 kHz) the software still lags. The number of samples I read out is always one second of data. How do I make this software run close to real time with out such a big lag. I need to run my software on a windows OS. I know you wont get hard real time on running labview on windows OS, what can I do to improve the speed of my program.


1. Another question on the datasheet of the NI 6070e PCI daq card says the FIFO buffer size is 512 S. Why can I in labview set myh buffer size to a value greater than 512 samples. For example when I sample at 1000 Hz and read 1000 Hz out of buffer i exceed the FIFO buffer isze of the daq card, but my program still runs.


Regards (Sorry for spelling mistake typed this very quickly)


the main VI is DP_software


How do I remove duplicate post?

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For your example, do you mean that your sample rate is 1000 Hz and your "number of samples per channel" input on your DAQmx Read is 1000?  If that is the case, try decreasing the "number of samples per channel" to 100 or 10. 

Michael B.
Applications Engineer
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