Multifunction DAQ

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LabVIEW 2009 MIO Device Driver Installation Crash



I wanted to post this message in case anyone else has the same problem I did.


I was installing LV2009 Device Drivers today and during the MIO installation portion, I got a Windows (Vista Business 32-bit) blue screen of death (BSOD) with a message related to nipalk.sys and a paging error.  I restarted the computer and installation and had the same crash at the same point during installation.


After disconnecting all of my USB DAQ connectors, (which has solved similar problems in the past), I still got the crash.


So I went to the Windows control panel, device manager and uninstalled my two DAQ cards, PCI-6115, and PCI-6220.  After doing this and restarting the installation, it succeeded.


It seems like the driver was unable to install while the PCI cards were present on the bus.


Installation is complete and the cards are recognized in MAX, so all seems to have worked-out OK.




Jeff Long, President
AutomationWorks, Inc.
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Hi Jeff,

        Thanks so much for letting us know about this.  I'll try to reproduce this and let R&D know what I find.  Thanks again, and have a great day!


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