Multifunction DAQ

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LabView Program


I have a problem regarding my LabView program. I received this errors(error-200279 and error-50405) when I tried to run my LabView program.


Error-200279 occurred at DAQmx read (analog 1D Wfm NChan Nsamp) with a possible reason of measurement:attempted to read samples that are no longer available.The requested sample was previously available, but has since been overwritten.


Error-50405 occurred at DAQmx Start Task with a possible reason no transfer in progress because the transfer was aborted by the client. 


Since I have receive this errors, I have reinstall my LabView software and the same errors still pops up. I hope I can a have solution from N.I side or anybody.


Thank you in advance.


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Message 1 of 3

The problem will not be fixed by reinstalling LabVIEW. You will need to correct the code you have written. Have you searched the forum for those error codes or tried the recomended fixes mentioned in the error message?


You are probably doing continuous acquisition and probably doing some sort of processing in the acquisition loop. This processing (i.e. a file write) is taking x amount of time and you are not able to read fast enough.


You did not post your code so try the recomendations such as going to Finite Samples. You could also try using a consumer/producer architecture where your processing is done in a separate loop that reads a queue.

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Message 2 of 3
If you don't attach code, and don't inform hardware model, no one can tell you what happen.
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Message 3 of 3