07-23-2015 12:21 PM
I am still relatively new to Labview so I'm sure this is a pretty simple problem to solve but I'm not sure how to do it. I am running a test with an acclerometer where I am trying to use an analog edge trigger to start recording when the acceleration spikes (this occurs when the acclerometer strikes an object after being in free fall). From this I want to 1. display the spike on the front panel in a graph and 2. find the max y value of the spike and display it on the front panel. I used the DAQ assistant and was able to get a continous graph output and tried to modify it to do the above. I keep getting Error 200077 regarding the DAQmx stop block. I have attached the file and hope that someone can help.
Thanks in advance,
07-24-2015 07:46 AM
I have been able to fix the output of the graph and max value but I am still having trouble with the trigger
07-24-2015 08:10 AM - edited 07-24-2015 08:10 AM
See if this helps some. In short you have to configure the task to trigger on the analog slope at the level you want it to trigger at. You may want to add in a loop to wait for the task to complete before reading to avoid possible timeout issues.