09-18-2016 12:26 PM
Hi Everybody,
I would like to use NI 9234 and get samples from a microphone which ideally requires a phantom power supply (something like 48V). It seems that these microphones work with 12-48V phantom power supply. NI 9234 can supply a constant current on the order of 2mA. I am wondering if I can use 9234 to sample such microphone signals. Do I damage 9234 if I connect it to such microphones? Vice versa. Has anyone tried this before?
Thanks in advance
09-19-2016 08:49 AM
You can build a driving circuit* to drive a phantom powered mic with a IEPE input, but why not use a IEPE mic?
*) usualy done with a p-FET, an preamplifier and a clean! powerconverter since the IEPE settle at about 10 to 12V.
B&K , PCB, microtech Gefell, .... migth have some converters .... PCB has IEPE mics ...