03-29-2017 07:51 AM
I am designing signal simulator for data acquisition card. This simulator will be used at school. Main purpose of this is simulate signals which can be connected to the card. Students will program measuring card and getting familiar with all the basic functions of the card. I am little worried of the card. What happens when student connect those pins directly to the ground or to the 5 V or higher voltage. Students will probably try all connection possibilities. How are the input and output pins protected? Are there any protection devices which you recommend me to use on my simulator, which will protect my card?
04-07-2017 06:38 AM
Dear Ondrejka,
What can happen on the 6321 when connecting different voltages to the mentioned pins:
If students will not have more then 5V available, I think this card is safe and will survive ... But one never knows, some students are really creative.