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NI-DAQmx Base on Fedora 18 i386

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I am trying to install NI-DAQmx Base 3.6.0-f0 on Fedora 18 i386.

(I was using so far succesfully NI-DAQmx Base 3.6.5 on a Fedora 14 i386)


When I run the NI-VISA installer in the nivisa subdirectory, I get this message:


Pre Installation .
Post Installation .
Pre Installation ..................................
Préparation...                       ################################# [100%]
    le fichier /usr/local/natinst entre en conflit avec les tentatives d'installation de nipxipfki-1.5.1-f0.i386 et nimxdfi-1.12.0-f0.i386
    le fichier /usr/local/natinst entre en conflit avec les tentatives d'installation de nispyi-2.8.0-f0.i386 et nipxipfki-1.5.1-f0.i386
    le fichier /usr/local/natinst entre en conflit avec les tentatives d'installation de nipxipfi-1.5.1-f0.i386 et niapalerri-2.1.1-f0.i386
    le fichier /usr/local/natinst entre en conflit avec les tentatives d'installation de niiotracei-3.0.1-f0.i386 et nipxirmi-2.7.3-f0.i386
Error installing NI-VISA for Linux 5.2.0f0.

So, something went wrong with RPM in the following line of the INSTALLER file :

    $RPM -Uvh $RPMOpts $installPackageList

It seems that there are conflicts bewteen packages...


Any Idea ?

Do I need to install all these packages to run the NI USB-6008 ?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Unfortunately, we do not officially support Fedora as seen in the DAQmx driver readme. It may be helpful to consult the Linux User Group, which has a large following of Linux enthusiasts that have a deeper understanding of the operating system. The latest driver is DAQmx Base 3.6, but it only supports SUSE, RedHat, and Scientific Linux, as mentioned on


Laurent V.
Application Engineer - National Instruments (France)
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your prompt reply.


I know that Fedora is not officially supported.

However - with some modifications in the packages - I had been able to install Daqmx base on fedora 6 up to fedora 14.


The Linux User Group you mentioned may be contacted with this address, right ?


Tanks again.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author bruno2040

Yes, someone from this group might have ran into the same issue.


Hope this helps,


Laurent V.
Application Engineer - National Instruments (France)
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I have the same issue with Fedora-20. soem confict error when installing ni-visa.

did you solve it?



Installing NI-VISA for Linux version 5.4.1f0...
Pre Installation .
Post Installation .
Pre Installation ...................................
Preparing... ################################# [100%]
file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nikali-2.5.0-f0.noarch and nirpci-4.3.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nipalki-2.9.1-f0.x86_64 and nikali-2.5.0-f0.noarch
file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nispyi-2.8.1-f0.i386 and nipalki-2.9.1-f0.x86_64
file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nipalerri-2.9.1-f0.i386 and nispyi-2.8.1-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nipxipfki-2.1.0-f0.x86_64 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/bin conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/ChineseS conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/English conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/French conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/German conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/Japanese conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/Korean conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.3.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
Error installing NI-VISA for Linux 5.4.1f0.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Had same problem on CentOS7. Any solution?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6