I've got a question about the
NI Power EPM (Electrical Power Measurement) palette.
Does this address all possible configurations of WYE, delta, and open delta, with either 3 or 4 wires (neutral wire)? This is for 3-phase power measurement with unchanging 60 hz.
My suspicion is that it does, since we can compute the entire power triangle given that we have all phase information (if using high speed simultaneous sampling) in addition to the actual voltages and currents across all three legs.
I've looked quite a bit online on papers about this, but not a single one I've found actually talks about simultaneously sampling all 6 waveforms to get full information and doing the calculation from full waveforms. They all use unsynchronized meters across the different connection points and make assumptions/restrictions about balanced/unbalanced, etc to somewhat indirectly infer power ... all done with scalar values for voltages & currents.
While I would be delighted by equations not handled by the NI EPM, simply knowing which configurations can and cannot be handled by the NI EPM would solve 2/3 of my current dilemna.
-Ben Phillips