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NI myDAQ error -200284 using Bode Analyzer



I'm trying to use the Bode Analyzer from the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher to analyze a circuit I built. However, I receive an error stating that the samples I have requested have not yet been acquired. I read similar posts about this issue, but those solutions involve changing LabVIEW code. I'm just using the built-in Bode Analyzer, so I don't think there is anything I can change.  Is this correct?


Thank you,


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Hello apOmp88,


Have you tried the NI myDAQ Troubleshooting Utility yet? Typically this error occurs when your device gets disconnected from your computer or the transfer is too slow. What USB port are you using? If this is a desktop, is it the front USB ports, or the back, and 2.0 or 3.0? Have you tried other USB ports?


Also, double check and make sure that all of your settings are appropriate for your circuit.


What version of ELVISmx are you using?



Alyssa H.

National Instruments

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