Multifunction DAQ

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NIDAQ PCIe 6323: Function generation on some ports but not all

Hi all!


I have been playing around with emulated PCIe 6323, since we are still waiting on the real one, and whilst writing some C++ code using NIDAQmx to generate some sine waves, I ran into this error:


133. DAQmxGetErrorString (-200432 (0xFFFCF110), "Selected physical channel does not support the output type required by the virtual channel you are creating..Create a channel of an output type that is supported by the physical channel, or select a physical channel that supports the output type.", 1024 (0x400))
Process ID: 0x00001E30 Thread ID: 0x00001E20
Start Time: 14:59:12,4466 Call Duration 00:00:00.0025
Status: 0 (0x0)


It seems the first two outputs AO0 and AO1 do not support function generation but AO2 and AO3 do. according to the NI DAQmx library I can check which one supports which type, but the function call only returns one value. So my question are:


1. Do channels support multiple option types of output and how do they communicate this?

2. I assume this can be found somewhere in the specs, but after looking for the last hour I can not seem to find it. Does someone know which section to look at?


Sorry for trivialness of the questions but it would help me a lot. Thanks in advance and enjoy Halloween!

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