I hope I can find here some help for our problem. My research group is having trouble by getting our new DAQ card to work with Matlab. (R2006b) In Simulink everything is fine but with Matlab we really trouble.
We use a National Instrument PCI 6229 Card and the latest driver of nidaqmx.
But we already get the same failure messages if we try to register the nidaqmx.dll
>> daqregister('nidaqmx')
ans =
'nidaqmx.dll' not found. Make sure it is on the MATLAB path.
>> daqregister('D:\Matlab\toolbox\daq\daq\private\mwnidaqmx.dll')
ans =
'nidaqmx.dll' not found. Make sure it is on the MATLAB path.
Also if we run daqhwinfo we receive a failure message.
>> daqhwinfo('nidaq')
Caught unexpected exception of unknown type.
Unexpected error status flag encountered. Resetting to proper state.
And if we try to receive a signal its even worse.....
>> aimx=analoginput('nidaq','dev1')
??? Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput
Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput>localCreateAnalogInputObject
An unexpected error occurred.
I or better we hope here are some people who can help us.
Because we need to run these card immediately.
Thanks for your help.