11-26-2015 11:20 PM
I have purchsed PCIe 6320 and connected it to my motherboard then I loaded LabVIEW RT 8.6 on that. I am communicating with RT using ethernet.
as I can see my RT target in MAX and can Configure it. As i inserted PCIe 6320 in PCIe slot and referesh the MAX it shows PCIe 6320 in Device list but shows error message " Error 88900 Device not communicating".
Please help me with this. Is there any kind of Software or Device driver isssue in labVIEW environment.
11-28-2015 09:00 PM
What version of DAQmx are you using? The oldest version of DAQmx I found with support for your device is 9.0, which I think shipped with LabVIEW 2009.
Bob Schor