03-25-2015 09:39 AM
Can you use the 5 vdc on board supply of a SCB68 ( pin 😎 as a pull up voltage?? So pin 8 connected to a 1 meg resistor and the other end of the resistor connected to a DIO say P0.0 ( pin 52) I would then run a connection from Pin 52 to a switch which tells me ( interlock) if a door was open or not. If interlock is open P0.0 is at 5 vdc. If interlock is closed P0.0 is conneted to rtn/gnd so P0.0 is 0 vdc. I've done this w an external PS in place of the on board scb68 one and it works. This one doesn't. It looks like the dios are always low.
03-25-2015 12:17 PM
The 6229 has a built in pull down. The minimum resistance for the pull down is 20kOhm. So a 1MOhm pull up will do nothing. So the alternative I would use something more like a 1kOhm pull up to override that built-in 20kOhm.
05-04-2015 01:08 PM
Thanks...sorry for the late reply and late Kudos.. I appreciate the help.