Hi everybody.
I'm new using in Labview and I'm trying to do a little project in this software
This is the thing:
I need to measure the force applied in a load cell of one-axis (hopefully, then expand it to two).
I have the load cell, a labjack inamp (http://labjack.com/support/ljtick-inamp/datasheet) to signal conditioning and a DAQ NI 6009.(http://sine.ni.com/ds/app/doc/p/id/ds-218/lang/en)
So far, i have manage to get the signal in real time, but I only can get a waveform graph.
What I need to get is a plot that show me a vector indicating me how much force is applied at the moment (and in parallel, save the information), so, when I connect the other load cell I could sum both vectors and have the resultant.
Thx to all
Greetings from Argentina
Francisco Mosse
Biomedical Engineering student