Multifunction DAQ

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Problem with using multiple piezo sensors with DAQ

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Hi Sheela,


Sorry, have been studying for exams recently.


I took the ground connections off and the problem still persists.  I then swicthed the mode to NRSE, changed to the pins that the connection diagram showed. Still have the same problem.


I looked through the page you linked me to. I could not really find anything of use in it excpet for maybe this:

Warning: Bias resistors must be provided when measuring floating signal sources in DIFF and NRSE configurations. Failure to do so will result in erratic or saturated (positive full-scale or negative full-scale) readings. 

Maybe i should add some bias resistors? If so what value should i use?







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Message 11 of 13
Accepted by topic author Zerroth



Yes, you will need to use bias resisitors, and we recommend a value between 10kohm to 100kohm.


The following is a silghtly different problem, but it explains more about using bias resistors with piezoelectric sensors:

Why Am I Reading a Floating Voltage for My Piezoelectric?


All the best with your exmas 🙂

Sheela Sujeeun

Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK
Message 12 of 13

Thanks Sheela, that solved my problem. working perfectly now. 🙂


Just one more thing, is there any chance you can convert the windows_media VI posted by bnoronha 
in this thread so that i can open it in LabVIEW 8.5?


Thank you very much again,



Message Edited by Zerroth on 05-28-2009 12:05 PM
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Message 13 of 13