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Problems with aquiring DC Voltage with PCI6229 on a board with Intel Q87 chipset



I have a big problem with the aquisition of a continuous measurement of a voltage using the PCI6229 on a board with an Intel q87 chipset (D3231-S11 Fujitsu Siemens).


I developed a program, which only needs to measure the Voltage of an analog input of the  PCI6229 card.


When i switch the mode from 1channel 1sample to 1channel Nsamples, the program crashes (the whole PC crashes and only a hard reset works) Taskmanager didnt stop the task.


Even the DaqMX testpanel crashes, when i switch from 1channel 1sample to 1channel Nsamples.


On other systems with different chipsets the software works fine.


Is there a known Problem with this chipset and the PCI6229 Card ?


with best regards


Tobias Lembke

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hi Tobias,


we do not know anything of such incompatibilities. I guess it's rather a corrupt driver or such issue. Please try to repair the DAQmx driver:


Kind regards


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi HeinzG,


thx for the answer, but i already tried to repair the driver. I also installed different Version of DaqMX(9.2.3,9.6,9.7.5,9.8) and reinstalled the Windows about 5-6 times 😞


Kind regards


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Tobias,


could you describe the steps, you're doing leading to the behavior. Maybe you could do a screencast or step-by-step screenshots?


Kind regards


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

its a freshly installed windows 7 Professional 64bit. Then i install All Drivers from the motherboard cd. Then i install DaqMX9.8 or older Versions .. it doesnt matter which version i iuse. When i Configure in the DaqMX Testpanel a measurement on each channel of the device with continous measurement and nSamples the pc crashes. Sometimes it just hang for about 20 seconds. After doing this measurement i cant reset the device or view informations. Restart from windows doesnt work. I have to pull the power cord or hold the power button to restart the pc.


I have tested this behavior on 5 different motherboards  and only on this one (D3231-S from Fujitsu Siemens) the card doesnt work.


I solved the problem in changing the motherboard and i wont buy this board in the future.


kind regards





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Hi Tobias,

I'm glad you found a solution, which works for you. Your procedure order is correct. As I searched our database, I found no indication of any incompatibilities - oft couse you could be the first one to observe it. But it could also be just this one motherboard.

It is in our database for the future - thank you for reporting it.

Kind regards
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Message 6 of 6