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Reading counts from a digital linear encoder with a usb-6210



I have a USB-6210 daq device that I am using to read data from a digital linear encoder. The output from the encoder is in counts.  I am concerned that labview is not returing the correct values, since encoder counts does not show up in the list for pre scaled data.  The channel for the encoder is set to read linear, with the z-axis enabled, and units as meters.   Is it possible for me to record displacement properly with this setup?


Thank you,



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Message 1 of 5
Could you please provide a link to the datasheet of the encoder ?
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Nichole-


     I agree that the data sheet for the encoder would be useful.  Additionaly, where in LabVIEW are you looking for pre-scaled data?  Are you using the DAQ Assistant?


     The data sheet will specify exactly what the encoder outputs.  That will help in guiding you in the correct direction.

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 5

This is the data sheet for the linear encoder readhead.  Mine is the RGH22H series, 50 nm resolution.



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Message 4 of 5

According to the datasheet, the RGH22H it is a quadrature encoder. Therefore, you must configure a  Counter input >> Position >> Linear task in MAX (not sure about the names because I'm using a french MAX).


Please read this document (and make a search for daqmx quadrature encoder on and post back if you should need further help.


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