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Selecting Analog cutoff frequency NI-USB 6251

Hello everybody!


-I´m trying to acquire voltage analog signals by using a BNC 2110 and a bord NI USB-6251. Does anybody know if a programmable analog lowpass filter is available for NI USB-6251? If it is available, how can I set a value for the analog lowpass filter on labview? Any help would be highly appreciated!


thank you in advance,


best regards!

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Message 1 of 7

There isn't such a filter on the 6251.



Best Regards,

John Passiak
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Thank you for this information John Passiak!


-If there is no programmable analog lowpass filter for NI-USB 6251, so I will need to use the standart cutoff frequency "fc" of the analog lowpass filter (fc= 750 kHz, as mentioned in the user´s manual) for acquiring my signals. By doing so, it will be necessary to use a sampling rate of at least 1,5 MHz to digitize the signal, in order to avoid aliasing! The maximal sampling rate "fs" available is fs= 1,25MHz (according to the user´s manual). Besides, the duration of the signals which I need to digitize take about 25s. That would lead to a considerably higher number os data, and problems to open and save the signals in Labview!  How can I solve this problem?


thank you again for your help!


best regards!

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Message 3 of 7

If you're referring to what I think you are (the AI Lowpass Filter section of the M Series User Manual), the 750 kHz cutoff refers to the 628x devices.  For the 625x, the specifications actually state that the -3 dB cutoff point is 1.7 MHz.  While this might not seem desirable given the card's max sample rate is 1.25 MHz, having the higher bandwidth reduces the settling time (very useful considering the channels are multiplexed into a single ADC).


So you clearly can't avoid aliasing if you have higher frequency content on the input terminal.  If there are high frequency components to your signal that are giving problems when sampled, I would suggest using an external lowpass filter.



Somebody has suggested incorporating configurable anti-aliasing filters in the DAQ idea exchange, but for the reasons mentioned in that thread I don't see it happening:


1. Having a fixed filter chosen for the maximum sampling rate of the device only works when the device is operated in single channel mode and at the highest rate.

2. How should NI decide what filter characteristics to use? Filter type, number of poles, ... The worst case filter would probably add a considerable amount of expense but would be overkill for a large majority of applications of the device.  And it would not be appropriate for use at lower sampling rates.

3. Users who do not understand aliasing (and there seem to be quite a few of them), might be fooled into thinking that they did not need to worry about this if a built-in filter existed.

4. Adaptable, non-sampled data filters are not easy to design and build, especially if they need to be tuned over a wide range as would be required to implement this idea.  Sampled data filter, which can be quite adaptable, have the same aliasing issues as the A/D converters.  They cannot be used as anti-aliasing filters.

5. Filter settling time would be added to the multiplexer switching and settling time.  This might significantly reduce the maximum achievable sampling rates for some multiplexed systems.

6. For some applications intentional undersampling is used.  Any device with built-in filters would need to have an option for disabling the filters for such applications.




Best Regards,

John Passiak
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Ok, thank you for the information and also the links you sent me!


-As I cannot avoid aliasing on my signals by just using NI USB-6251, I would try to use an external lowpass filter! Do you know if National Instruments develops such filters? If yes, what model would you recommend? I need a filter which also presents an analog output, so that I could also send the analog lowpass filtered signal to my NI USB-6251 in order to appropriately digitize it!


best regards!

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Message 5 of 7

NI has front-end modules in the SCXI and SCC family that offer analog filters, but the options are pretty limited and are intended for higher channel count systems (not to mention they won't work with the USB 6251).  You'll probably end up having to design your own filter or find a 3rd party solution.



Best Regards,

John Passiak
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Hello, I bought the transducer type (TR 100) as I attached in this message and I want to measure the   deformation in soil during the increase the vertical load by  using this transducer type (TR 100) and I have data logger type (NI USB -6251 ,16-bit,1.25 Ms/s). Also it is attached in this message.  I want to connect the transducer type (TR 100) wire with the anlalog port in the data logger type (NI USB -6251, 16-bit, 1.25 Ms/s)  and then I have to write program by Labview to read  the strain in the computer as  well as save it as a text. I have the following question: 
1.        How I can connect the three  wires (red, orange and brown color) of the transducer type  (TR 100) to the analog ports   
in the data logger type (NI USB -6251, 16-bit, 1.25 Ms/s). 
2.        How I can write the program by Labveiw to read  the strain in during the change in the position of the transducer. 
Pleas can you help me   
Best regards 


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Message 7 of 7