Multifunction DAQ

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Such a thing as a NI-DAQmx version with full series E support?

Is there a version of NI-DAQmx that supports the series E boards?  I am try to get various properties from some series E boards that I am using.  The only method that I have found to programmatically determine  these properties is by using the NI-DAQmx API. The version I have is 9.0.2 and the series E stuff is not supported.  I have made an attempt at using the API on these boards but I get a 200220 error.  That error means that the device number can't be resolved.  Maybe my code is at fault, though.. Included below are some of my code and observations.  If I could get a version of NI-DAQmx that would play nicely with the series E that would be wonderful.  Perhaps a different API (dll) would provide a solution as well.  I do have to say that seeing the boards' serial number being reported in MAX is making me very determined to find a solution.  Somehow NI is pulling this off!

* Installed programs:

XP sp3
VB6 sp6
Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4
NI-DAQmx 9.0.2
MAX 4.6.1f0

Reference: NI-DAQMX C API

* Opening Object Browser displays how vb6 wants the function

*From Object Browser:

*Function DAQmxGetDevSerialNum(device As String, data As Long) As Long



* Public Function declared in module


*Option Explicit

*'this syntax from C : int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetDevSerialNum(const char device[], uInt32 *data);

*Declare Function DAQmxGetDevSerialNum Lib "nicaiu.dll" (a As String, b As Long) As Long


* Here is the test code:


*Dim sn As Long

*Private Sub Form_Load()

* Debug.Print Hex$(DAQmxGetDevSerialNum("7", sn))
* Debug.Print DAQmxGetDevSerialNum("7", sn)

*End Sub


* Results:

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Please see the "E Series Multifunction DAQ" section on the following link to find the correct version of NI-DAQmx for your device. 

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I did not clarify my e-series selection in the original post. The boards I am working with are isa bussed. That greatly affects the support.  


I have done an intensified look through the traditional NI-daq library and hidden away in clear view were the routines I needed. 


So, thanks for the response.  Have a great New Year!


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