Multifunction DAQ

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USB 4431 analog gain ranges

Hi, I would like to know what gain values are used for various signal ranges in the USB 4431 DAQ.


Here is a similar table of what I'm looking for, but I could only find this for PCI-6030E:



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Message 1 of 4
As far as I know, there is only a single range so could you link to manual that told you it had multiple ranges? Or are you aking without reading the documentation?
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Message 2 of 4

Dear JohnDoe23!


You can set the range of Your measurement with the DAQmx Create Virtual Channel (VI).

It has 2 inputs: Minimum and maximum value.

API sets the Programable Gain Amplifier depending on the values You sepcify. 


The NI 4431 has an input range of ±10 Vpk, so You can set any values in this the range. 

Se the specs:

As close the range to the measured values, as small will the quantization error will be.


Please let me know, if I helped.



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Message 3 of 4

And where in that spec do you see that the device has anything except a +/- 10 volt range? Setting the min and max will do nothing if the card does not support it.
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Message 4 of 4