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USB 6000 Digital I/O lines direction and status

Hello, I have just bought an USB 6000 and I am trying to read some Voltage values from the analog output through Labview.I created a Task and I can read the values as I want, but I have a problem with the configuration of the Digital I/O through Labview.

I configured the Digital I/O lines direction and status through the Measurement and Automation Explorer TestPanel (screenshot attached) but I would like to do this programmatically because each time i disconnect the USB cable or restart my computer these settings are gone.

I looked for some examples or some guides but I can't get this done even though it seems really easy.

I thought I could use the "DAQmx Set PowerUp States (Digital).vi" but when I do it i get error -200663 DAQmx Set Power Up States (Digital).vi<append>

Can you help me? Thanks!

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Message 1 of 3

Hello cassaniti,


setting power up state is not supported also only on demand timing. The screenshot are based on the examples from the example finder.





Hope this helps.

best regards
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Message 2 of 3

Yea that's how I got inspired to solve my problem! here's a snippet of my personal solution

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Message 3 of 3