01-24-2007 01:44 PM
01-25-2007 04:50 PM
02-01-2007 05:59 PM
Thanks for your reply, Jarrod. Sorry for taking so long to follow up. We ended up rewriting our band-pass filters to use 44K samples/second, so we were able to move forward and it wasn't critical to have the faster rate. However, I'm still curious as to why this problem is occurring. We'll be using these devices in several production testers and I want to make sure that each one will be able to meet some minimum performance level for the sampling rate.
Anyway, in regards to your question, I am using the 8.3.1 drivers. I even just reinstalled them to make sure. Still have the same problem. I don't think it is at all related to .NET, as I see this same problem even when using the Test Panels in Measurement & Automation. (As a side note, the .NET 2.0 API has been very easy-to-use and robust, no problems at all with it so far.)
Is it possible that this particular device is bad? Perhaps it resets itself if you set the sample rate too high? It seems hard to believe that you would not have heard of this problem before now if it happened with all USB-6009 devices.
02-02-2007 01:14 PM
02-06-2007 08:40 AM