Multifunction DAQ

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USB DAQ Inter-Channel Skew

I can't find a specification for analog input inter-channel sampling skew, e.g. for USB-6008 multi-function DAQ.  When multiple channels are used, the event data are returned with one time field, and samples are given for each channel at that (one) time.  Are the acquisitions on each channel spread equally in time across the sample interval?


[t1  ch1(t1)   ch2(t1+sampleInterval/nChannels)   ch3(t1+2*sampleInterval/nChannels)   ch4(t1+3*sampleInterval/nChannels)  etc.]


Are there configurable settings for inter-channel sampling skew, e.g. in USB-6008?

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Message 1 of 4

Kinda asking a lot for a $150 DAQ, don't ya think?


600x series is low-cost, not high-performance.  You can have one or the other; not both.

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Message 2 of 4

I'm not asking for configurable settings.  I would simply like to know what the sampling scheme is.  I would expect it is documented somewhere, I don't think that is asking for a lot.  But I cannot find any documentation about sample skew.

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I believe this is what you are looking for.


This should show you how to calculate the fastest speed as well as change to slower speeds.

Peter C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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