Multifunction DAQ

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Using USB-6343 counter outputs

I am migrating a VB project from Windows XP to Windows 10.  As part of the change, we are upgrading our DAQ hardware from a DAQPad-6016 to a USB-6343.


The old code set up a pulse channel using the CTR0 output:

                daqPulseTask = New Task
                daqPulseTask.COChannels.CreatePulseChannelFrequency( _
                                    "daq1/ctr0", _
                                    "Time Sync Pulse", _
                                    COPulseFrequencyUnits.Hertz, _
                                    COPulseIdleState.Low, _
                                    localDelay, _
                                    localFreq, _
                daqPulseTask.COChannels.All.PulseTerminal = "/daq1/Ctr0Out"

Does this need to change for the USB-6343?  I was told that this hardware does not have a dedicated CTRx output and the counter needs to be reassigned to another pin.  How would I set this up in the code?


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I'm a LabVIEW guy who doesn't know the text API.  2 key tips I can offer:


1. First figure out whether the old app used DAQmx or the older traditional NI-DAQ for programming the DAQ hardware.  The programming API is very different under LabVIEW so I assume it must also be quite different under VB.  Your new board will require DAQmx.

   The likely good news is that your code looks to me like it's probably already written for DAQmx due to the way it identifies the counter channel as 'daq1/ctr0'. 


2. Generally, any given counter will have a default PFI pin for its output signal.  On your newer board you'd definitely be able to configure it to send the output to a different PFI pin if you want, but you should also be able to get output on the default pin without calling your 3rd line of code at all.



-Kevin P

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