Here are the tasks which I need to do for taking noise measurements:
1) Take data continuously from USB 6281 board at a 500k sampling rate (50k samples at a time).
2) Save the data continuously for 3-6 hours in any file (any format is okay but I need to save in series of files rather than the single file). I want to start writing to new file after every 2 min.
I have attached my VI (in image format too as my LabVIEW is 2016 version) and images of my task configuration. I can take the measurement and write data into file continuously for 15 min. After that I am seeing these error:
1) Hardware acquisition cannot keep the pace with the software (something like this, also with a suggestion to increase the buffer size...)
2) Memory is full.
Please help in making my VI efficient and correct. I know you will suggest to remove the "Write in measurement file" from consumer loop because it takes a lot of time to open and close a file in a loop. You may suggest me to open the file outside the loop and write inside the loop. But I want to save my data in new file after every 2 min or after certain samples. If this can be done efficiently without using the Write in measurement file then please let me know.
Thank you in advance.