03-22-2017 06:33 AM
Hi All
I'm facing the issue described in this topic :
When a multi-device AnalogInput task is running on my PXIe6341, I can't start a counter task measurment because the counter task wants to route the PXIe_clk100 to the Internal reference clock which is already locked by the muti-device task.
Is it possible to use counter inputs features on X series with multi-device task running?
How to disable automatic routing when counter task starts?
03-22-2017 09:29 AM
Can you post your code? What error do you get and where in the config process does it occur? What are the requirements for timing sync between the counter task and the AI task?
My reading of the linked discussion suggests that there should be options available for explicitly configuring the counter task.
I'd also note that I've been in a number of discussions where part of the problem is an overly complicated attempt to sync tasks via external reference clocks and triggers. It's often sufficient to use a simpler scheme such as merely sharing a sample clock.
-Kevin P
03-22-2017 10:47 AM
Thanks for your answer.
The issue doesn't appear in a labview code yet, I use MAX to create 2 tasks (Multi Device ANalog input and counter input).
The question is what should I write in labview to make it works unlike NI MAX?
03-22-2017 12:46 PM
The thread you already linked has more and better info than anything I could come up with off the top of my head. Model your code on the suggestions there, and come on back if you get stuck.
-Kevin P
03-23-2017 08:08 AM
Hello Florent_nerys,
Thanks for posting on the NI forum.
We will need more info and eventually your code to help you.
I saw you found a linked about your issue. This forum has been tagged as solved.
Why is the solution not pleasing you? Do you have another issue of a different kind?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
03-23-2017 08:45 AM
I post a .nce file to create both tasks in MAX.
In the solved topic, they share sample clock between 2 daqmx analog tasks to synchronise, by this way they didn't use the multi-device synchronisation.
I'd rather use the multi-device sync, but I also want to use 4 counters on my X series and I can't do that.
Actually 2 analogIn tasks are running without synchronisation in my project, I'm very surprise about this limitation with a X series, moreover in a PXIexpress chassis, with a lot of timing and synchronisation features.
Thanks for you time, let me know if you succes to run these two tasks by writting Labview code.
03-23-2017 01:29 PM
Just letting you know that I can't offer all the help you seem to be looking for. For one thing, I can't directly use your MAX config info because it's pretty specific to your hardware config. More to the point though, if you haven't been motivated to even try to write any LabVIEW code despite the available head start from the linked thread, well, why would any of us be so motivated?
-Kevin P