01-27-2016 10:34 AM
I am upgrading from LabVIEW 2011 to LabVIEW 2014 SP1 with NI Device Driver Feb 2015 and when viewing the configuration in MAX, I see the cDAQ 9184 module is recognized and passes self test, but none of the cDAQ modules (2-NI 9472 and 2- 9421) are passing self test. I am getting Status Code: -225229 Internal Software Error occurred in MIO software.
Currently NI DAQmx Device Driver 14.2 is installed along with the ADE Support and MAX Configuration.
01-28-2016 09:51 AM
Hi mpress164,
Have you tried resetting your NI MAX Database Configuration? Sometimes issues like this can arise after an upgrade due to references to older versions of drivers and software. I would suggest making sure you have a copy of your database configuration saved if you have a lot of global channels or tasks in NI MAX so that you can recover them if this is not the issue. Instructions on how to reset the configuration can be found here.
01-28-2016 10:26 AM
Thanks for the info,
We were able to fix the problem by simply unreserving the chassis and re-reserving it. This forced the install of the new drivers and everything worked great after that.