08-26-2008 10:26 AM
08-27-2008 01:14 PM
I've looked at the VI that you attached to your post, but was not able to run it because I didn't have the three global VIs that are a part of your main VI. From your post, I gather that you are having problems related to the Export Waveforms to Spreadsheet File VI. Can you please explain in detail what your expected results are, and what are your actual results?
Best wishes,
Wallace F.
08-27-2008 03:20 PM
08-27-2008 04:52 PM
08-27-2008 04:57 PM
I understand that when you have the Export Waveforms to Spreadsheet File VI inside the while loop, you continuously get the prompt asking if you want to replace the spreadsheet file. To fix this, I recommend modifying your code so that you have a file path constant with your desired file path for the spreadsheet file outside of the while loop. Wire this constant through the border of the while loop and connect it to the file path input of the Export Waveforms to Spreadsheet File VI. Next, wire a true constant to the "append to file" input of the Export Waveforms to Spreadsheet File VI. You can also use the Write to Spreadsheet File VI, but this requires converting the data from a waveform data type to an array data type. I added some code in the same while loop just to illustrate the point. I've attached an image of the block diagram so that you can see the code modifications.
Best wishes,
Wallace F.