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digital ports on USB-1616FS (LabView)

Hi forum

I hope this is the right place to ask this question...

I am using the digital ports of a measurement computing USB-1616FS unit (8 digital + 16 analog), and following a recent reinstallation (and upgrade) to windows 7 I decided to rewrite the control program in LabView (previously in Matlab). Setting up the board with Instacal it is recognized correctly (as "board# 0 - USB-1616FS (serial# 134)"), but it only allows me to test the analog channels - not the digital channels. Furthermore, when programming the unit in LabView using the User Library Extensions from the install disc, only the analog ports are available ("Dev 0/Ai0" to  "Dev 0/Ai15") where I would expect to also find the digital ports (don't know their names?). Reading from the analog channels works fine, but reading as "digital input" from one of the channels yields the following error:

"ULx Create Channel (DI-Digital Input).vi:1<ERR>
Measurements: Channel specified does not exist on this device.

Refer to the documentation for channels available on this device.

<B>Channel Name: </B>Ai3"


--> I assume this is because the digital channels are not recognized...

So is there something I am doing wrong in setting up the unit? Do the digital ports need some special setup?

Any pointers are very welcome 🙂

- as is probably obvious from the question I am quite new to LabView, so I apologize for potentially asking an obvious question 😛


kind regards


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

You seem to have a problem with the driver since Instacal is not reporting the card correctly. That is an issue for Measurement Computing and not anything to do with LabVIEW or any NI hardware/software for that matter. I would suggest that you check with them to verify the driver you installed is compatible with windows 7.


It would be a waste of time to do anything in LabVIEW until the MC program recognizes the card correctly.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

ok, that makes sense - thanks for the reply 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi jakel,


I am curious if you found the solution to this problem because I experienced it yesterday and trying to figure out why.



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Message 4 of 4