05-02-2013 04:56 AM
I want to use four NI PCI 6123 cards simultaneously using RTSI bus (in synchronization mode). I am using BNC 2110 boards with these cards. I need to operate all 04 of them in digital triggering mode simultaneously. Do i need to provide digital triggering pulse to all 04 BNC 2110 boards simultaneously or providing a triggering pulse to any single board will be enough?
Best Regards
05-03-2013 09:51 AM
Hello asim,
I pulled this from page 10-4 of our manual for S Series DAQ:
"The 20MHzTimebase on the master device is the Master Timebase signal
for all devices. The slave devices pull this signal from the master device
across the RTSI trigger 7 line. Slave devices also pull any shared triggers
across an available RTSI trigger line from the master device. When you
start all of the slave devices before starting the master device, you have
successfully synchronized your application across multiple devices."
This manual can be found here:
You should be able to provide a digital trigger to your master card which will then be shared over the RTSI bus with each slave card.
I hope this helps!
Andy C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments