Multifunction DAQ

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I am trying to use the fwupdate utility to update the firmware for my usb6009.  I have opensuse10.3 and have successfully installed the daqmxbase.

FWUpdate produces the result....
No protocol specified
Unable to open X display.

if I man FWUpdate I get a bunch of garbage as it's trying to reformat the text, but then stops and does nothing.
FWUpdate -h doesn't supply any help.

lsdaq  produces....
Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
Found the following DAQ Devices:

Device Error: incompatible firmware.  Serial Number: 012C3DB5

Execute <NI-DAQmx Base directory>/bin/FWUpdate to update.

But again, the FWUpdate isn't getting me anywhere.

What is the correct syntax for performing the firmware update?



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Message 1 of 3
Hi Tony-
Is it possible that you're running into the same issue described in this KB?  FYI- both the DAQmx Test Panels (described in the aforementioned KB) and the DAQmx Base FWUpdate are written in LabVIEW, so both will be susceptible to this same limitation of the X system.
Hopefully this helps-
Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Great ! Thanks for the help.  This seems to have worked. I just switched user, had been in terminal as root as during install.  FWUpdate ran and firmware installed!
Now, I can finally get to testing the applications.

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Message 3 of 3