Multifunction DAQ

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how to use ADC of DAQ USB 6343

hello everyone,

from sometime i am using labview and USB DAQ i know how to read digital i have to read soem of given analog signal and get its Digital data through internal ADc and gave it to previous digital data read Vi.So plz show me some methods.


thanks & regards,

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Message 1 of 5
It's not that different from a digital input task. You use a DAQmx Read where the task is set to analog input with the create channel function. The DAQ Assistant would also work for simple acquisitions. Look at the shipping examples.

I don't understand what you mean by giving it to previous digital read. The two are completely separate tasks.
Message 2 of 5


i have learnt now that it gives me DBL output from AI read operation.So basically its come from ADC.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hello i have a question regarding this topic so i like to continue this,

i want to read to different voltages in Decimal value.What i have to do? We have USB DAQ 6343.If possible any one plz share some examples.


Thanks & Regards,

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Message 4 of 5

I also like to add that i tried with attached code but it is not giving right reading of voltage so Plz help me out here.

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Message 5 of 5