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mDNS Responder socket configuration



this is my first question in this forum and since all other mDNS Responder related questions were asked here, I hope this is the right place to start.


I just had a problem with the mDNS Responder service that is automatically started at boot-up and running on a "random" port.
I am maintaining a tool that relies on a connection to a server (also written by our company) that uses a fixed port (60000). Further we rely on driver support for several devices using NI-Visa.


We have been working with this setup for about 2 years and today was the first time we encoutered the problem that this port was used by the mentioned mDNS Responder service.
The tool (script-based) tries to connect to the server by using said port and if no connection could be established it will start the server as a new process.


This is the point were it gets problematic. Since the TCP-connection will be established, my tool thinks it has a successfull connection to the server.

If I start sending data and wait for the server reply, I do not get an answer.

I know I could easily handle this by setting the socket timeout value but since some of the tasks on the server take up to 5 minutes, this is not an option either.


Now to my actual question:
Is it possible to "blacklist" ports for the mDNS Responder service (and possibly other NI-services that run on random ports)?

Is there a way to select the range of possible ports? I did some quick checks and the port range for the mDNS Responder is at least from around 54000 up to 63000 (checked 3 machines with one reboot each).
If so, where can I configure this?


I hope I could make my problem clear enough.

Thank you in advance. Best regards,





System: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32-bit

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Hello Martin


here you can find a list which ports National use

What Ports Do I Need to Open on My Firewall for National Instruments Software Products?

The port above 59110 are use from different NI software here

a description how to limit these

Using Lookout, LabVIEW DSC and Network-Published Shared Variables with Firewalls


I hope this helps

best regards
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