05-18-2009 03:30 AM
I'm acquiring with a DAQmx-6289,in differential mode, a pulsed voltage output from an inductive coil. The first pulse duration is 200 us, than there is constant part of 600 us and another pulse of 300 us. My measurement does not correspond to what i'm expect. Is there probably a impedance mismatch between the load and the acquiring system?
05-19-2009 06:01 PM
Hi, gianko25.
Keep in mind that the voltage output of your coil should be proportional to the time derivative of the magnetic field. Could that explain what you're seeing?
05-20-2009 01:51 AM
Yes i know that..
The problem is, if i integrate the voltage (and remove the offset of integration) from the coil i should have the flux following my current profile. That's does not happen duriing the flat part of the current.
The current measure is flat and the flux is still increasing, and ,since there is no magnetic material, there is no reason why there is a delay between current and flux.