09-05-2008 02:14 AM
This VI is made to record data from a number of acc. after a trigger signal.The VI writes the recorded data to a TDMS file.
I'm trying to modifi this VI to record data before the trig-signal, pretrig, and after the trigger signal. I have changed the polymorphic VI on the "DAQmx start trigger" to "Reference digitale edge" and created a control for the pretrigger samples. When i run this VI i get erro rcode 200278 and 2000281.
The inputs for the PXI-4462 are configurated as a task in Measurement & Automation Explorer. The Acquisition mode is set to "N samples".
Does anynoe know a solution for this problems?
09-05-2008 02:46 AM
Hardware config:
-NI PXI 1042
-PXI 4462
-Labview 8.5
-Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5