Multifunction DAQ

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pxi 6602 is showing weird behavior and i cannot makes sense of it.

Through the MAX configuraition I had my PXI 6602 reset. I did this thinking that it would disconnect any terminals that I might have used in my VI  and forgot about it. Well after that incident I started having problems with the 6602. First off the power led on my BNC 2121 wont light up when the SH68 cable is connected to 6602. It will only light up when I write a HIGH to the pfi line 0 and disappear when I write a LOW to it. Also previous, to this strange behavior; I was able to use ctr0 and ctr2 to generate finite pulses but now it seems that only ctr0 will generate the pulses and ctr2 does not but in its place ctr 3 does( i have not changed anything in the VI!) . And the last thing is that the BNC 2121 doesnt output the 5V that is present in the user defined part of the box. I only have an output of 1.5V and I know this is not the BNC 2121's fault as I have 2 of those and I tried both of them connected to this 6602 and they both do not give a 5V output and show similar behavior. So I am suspecting this is the 6602's fault so if anyone can provide any help/info as to why this is happening I would really appreciate it as I need the 6602 in working state urgently to finish my task.


I also tried the self test option in MAX and it tells me that everything has passed.

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1) I recommend first turning off the PXI chassis, removing and replacing the card. This will ensure that the card is seated properly. 

2) Next, try the card from a Test Panel in MAX. This will leave any possible issues with your VI out of the mix.  

3) If the card is still having issues, try it in another slot.  Then try it again in a MAX test panel. 

4) If it's still having issues, try it in another chassis, if you have one. 

5) If it's still having issues, call our technical support line at 1-866-275-6964 to send it in for RMA.

Mark E.
National Instruments

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