Multifunction DAQ

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rate of data aquisition vs rate of recording data

Hi everyone,


Im pretty new to Labview and im stuck with this issue:


I'm attempting to build a VI that reads temps from my NI 9213 at at rate of about 1 sample/sec and I was going to record the data using the write to measurement file however recording at that same rate is too much data, I would like to instead record about once every 30 seconds. Does anyone have a solution?





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I would just use the TDMS streaming capability in DAQmx.  There is a function called Configure Logging.  Then you don't have to make a VI to log the data as the drivers will do it for you.


The other alternative I would go to is to use a Producer/Consumer architecture.  You can have 1 loop for acquiring the data and another loop for saving the data to disk.


1S/second is really slow.  How many temperatures are you reading?  I would think that any decent code could keep up with that.  If you share your VI, maybe we can help you get some better performance out and be able to log at the rate you desire.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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thanks for the suggestion, I actually had seen the producer/consumer system and figured thats what it would be but I couldnt find any examples on or Youtube to help explain how to properly build one. I see that it uses quite a bit of queue operations but I wasn't sure how it can log data at a different rate. I attached a basic VI that could be worked on.

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