Multifunction DAQ

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syncronizing a re-triggerable analog input with an external clock

I am currently using the eclosed code to collect a finite amount of data using the counter as a pulse train.
The it works is as follows:
WHILE quit = False
    IF SOP = True
             WHILE number of lines < 2500
                          collect 2100 samples synchronized with CTR0 at 210 kHz.
              END WHILE
Is there a way to replace the counter with a  external clock? If not, does anyone have an alternate method to accomplish the same task?
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You can just input the external clock and define that PFI line as the source of your sample clock.  As long as the external clock is a ttl signal then that will be used to clock your signal.  This would be the most straightfoward way of setting this up.  This would all occur in the collect data VI.  Let me know if you have further questions on this issue.

Have a great day,

Michael D
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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