Multifunction DAQ

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use usb-6210 over network?

I've got a USB-6210 and I want to operate it on a remote machine running NI Max. It doesn't show up as a VISA device toshare. How can I do this? Lab view installed on ComputerA, USB-6210 on ComputerB - different parts of the lab. Running WinXP on both systems.
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Message 1 of 5

In general such device can only be accessed per remote through MAX if they are in a PXI System, so PXI-6210.


You could create an application (LV executable) just acquiring from the device at the computer where the device is installed and send the data via Shared Variables or TCP/IP to the another application or LV VI on the remote computer where want to see the data.


Or you use something like VNC or the Windows Remote Desktop Utility.




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Message 2 of 5

To build on what Christian said, it is not currently possible to use control a USB M Series DAQ device that is on a different machine.  Your best bet would be to write a VI that will run on the machine with the USB-6210 that collects the data and then either usb TCP/IP functions or VI Server to communicate with a VI on the second machine.



Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 3 of 5

I don't have application builder and only 1 copy of LV on Computer A.  Computer B happens to be near the experiment. Any other ideas?

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Message 4 of 5

If you have "one copy of LV" it depends on the license you have how to go on. With a userbased license (which is the standart I think) you are allowed to install LabVIEW at three systems, where just one is allowed to use for develpment at the same time, the others are for running applications. Additionally you are allowed to install LV once on your private computer.


That being said, you just need to check your licensing and look vor TCP/IP Examples via Example Finder.


If this way is not applicable think about using Windows Remote Desktop.




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Message 5 of 5