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x-axis of the Graph View of Multisim

Status: New

Multisim is a very powerful tool and suitable for educational purposes in first courses of Engineering careers. Howevers lacks of a very simple and useful flexibility that other simulators like PSPICE or QUCS have. Is not possible to modify the variable presented in the x-axis of the Graph View!


If you perform a DC Sweep, AC Sweep or Parameter Sweep analysis is very easy to change the variable presented in the y-axis. However, there is not a way to modify the magnitude used for the x-axis. Thus, for example to plot the IV curve of a diode is not straightforward. In a circuit with a battery, resistor and a diode in series the user typically perform a DC sweep of the battery bias and plot the current vs the battery bias. However, is not possible to change the variable plotted in the x-axis to the voltage drop in the diode to visualize the IV (and threshold) of the diode.


Of course one can extract the results to an EXCEL sheet or use the IV analyzer instruments but this is not useful for educational purposes where you want to show the students similarities with the experiment performed in the breadboard of the laboratory.

In more advanced simulations sometimes the user also is interested to visualize some magnitude of the circuit vs different kind of magnitudes (voltaje, current, ...).


Therefore is required to have the possibility to allow the user to modify the variable of the x-axis for more flexibility of the simulations.