07-02-2017 06:27 AM
Hi Everybody!
Say you are creating a PCB with in the middele a cutting section to cut the board in half.
on the cutting section I'd like to have a custom solderpad acros to connect the two halfs of PCB (connect the nets from left to right if you will)
So, placing pads (custom) isn't the solution because it is a lot of work to draw 80% of the nets in Ultiboard instead of Multisim
A netbridge is also a solution for this but not for Multsim
I tried creating a component with just to pins but Ultiboard connects the two nets both at the same end of the component?!?!? strange, can't find where that goes wrong
Any ideas??
07-10-2017 09:22 AM
Could you send images/diagrams of what you are trying to do.
In the meantime, this link might be helpful.
[How Can I Design a Split Pad in Ultiboard?]: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/E1D8E62F05FE59E586257B20004F5BAD?OpenDocument
07-11-2017 02:14 AM
A few years ago I had a similar problem.
The solution is to put a zero ohm resistor across the boards cutting section. (Vcut)
stressed user