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How can I model a gapped magnetic core?

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I am testing the trial version of Multisim Power Pro, and I have been trying to model a iron core with the air gap. Could I only enter, point by point, the hysteresis loop which already consider a gap, or there is a part which has such parameter as gap? I am also wondering if full version has such ability and what exactly defines parameter "Input smoothing domain" in Magnetic Core part property window? How can I model a gapped magnetic core?

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Message 1 of 4



Unfortunately there's presently no gap parameter. But there are a couple of ways of modeling its equivalent effect, depending on what data you have and what your end needs are. I can help you with that.


Do you know the permeability of the core material? 

Do you care to simulate non-linear behavior?






National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Permeability is 8000H/m and I must consider in my simultaltion non-linear behaviour. So far, I've calculated new points of B-H characteristic, which considers a gap. But I'm still wondering, what defines "Input smoting domain" parameter?

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author raport_maker

It is a measure of the smoothing that will be introduced around the data points that define your B-H curve. Its purpose is to smooth out the otherwise piece-wise-linear B-H curve. This potentially helps makes the defined curve more representative of the true curve and also helps the simulator converge. 



National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4